Taranaki Cathedral Breakfast

THE GOOD CAFE (formerly the Community Cafe) is a vibrant hub of hospitality and delicious breakfast every Tuesday morning, raising tens of thousands of dollars for various charitable projects. As part of MND Action Month, The Good Café will be raising funds for Motor Neurone Disease NZ on Tuesday, 11 June. “We cook a hot … Read more


Sam Stuchbury Tomorrow’s a new day. There’s light at the end of the tunnel. You can’t stop the waves of life, but you can learn how to surf. Clichés often contain a kernel of truth, which is probably why they gain traction in the first place. And over the past 18 months clichés have made … Read more

Mnd Action Animated Gif V1 970x250

MND Action Month is back for 2024! Gather your workmates, your whānau, and your friends and let’s do whatever we can to make time count for people with motor neurone disease this June. When raising awareness about tough diseases, like MND, there’s no denying that conversation and connection go a long way. Recognizing this power … Read more

Gerald Patterson preparing for Bike USA

On Saturday 18 May three New Zealand riders will embark on the cycling trip of a lifetime, traversing the USA, from San Francisco to New York, to raise $51,500 for MND research and support.

Neuroscientist Dr Emma Scotter

In the final instalment of Newshub’s three-part series on motor neurone disease, journalist Amanda Gillies spoke with Dr Emma Scotter, head of the Motor Neuron Disease Research Lab at the Centre for Brain Research, on recent breakthroughs in understanding the genetic code of MND. We are truly grateful to Dr Scotter and her passionate team … Read more

Make MND a notifiable disease Barton interview

Ally Barton, once an active hiker and gym goer, was diagnosed with MND at just 34, one of the youngest with the condition in New Zealand. Newshub recently interviewed husband Paul – who is calling for better data collection by making MND a “notifiable disease” – at the monthly MND Support Group in Christchurch. Thank … Read more

Mnd Nz Web Banner

This week TV3’s Newshub shared a piece on Jimmy King, the first New Zealander with MND to access Tofersen. Tofersen is an investigational drug developed by Biogen to treat SOD1-type MND. Read more and watch the news segment, here: www.newshub.co.nz/home/new-zealand/2024/04/motor-neurone-disease-game-changer-treatment-soon-available-in-new-zealand In people of European descent, SOD1 gene mutations cause about 15-30% of MND cases with … Read more

Two participants in Walk to Defeat MND

This year’s Walk to Defeat MND was a resounding success, bringing together communities from Wellington, Christchurch, and Auckland to raise much needed awareness, not to mention an astounding $123,390 for MND support and research! Through months of planning in whatever spare time that could be spared the tireless dedication of some quite remarkable volunteers were … Read more

Biogen Big

Trapped inside a body that no longer works, unable to speak, move or, eventually, breathe. People with motor neurone disease (MND) know this is how their life will end, and with no treatment or cure available, it is a terrifying fate. Tofersen (brand name Qalsody) is an investigational drug developed by the company Biogen to … Read more

Beth Watson

There are many people who have contributed to MND NZ over its past decades, but possibly none more so than Beth Watson who sadly passed away in June 2023. Beth Watson was a tireless advocate for people with motor neurone disease (MND) and the work of MND NZ for nearly 25 years including thousands of … Read more