Contact Us

The Motor Neurone Disease New Zealand Charitable Trust is a registered charity under the Charities Act 2005, registration number CC60169. Please fill in the enquiry form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Email Us

Call us

09 624 2148
0800 444 474

Postal address

Motor Neurone Disease NZ


PO Box 24-036
Royal Oak
Auckland 1345

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Central office staff

Chief Executive
Leggett Mark Web

Mark Leggett

Ph: 027 301 3901
Office Manager
Hayley Watkinson

Hayley Forrest

Ph: (09) 624 2148 or 027 3814 446
Marketing & Fundraising Manager
Profile Photo Laura Huet 500x500px

Laura Huet

Ph: 027 276 3787
Support Services Manager
Toni Lightened

Toni Foster

Ph: 021 230 3038
Events & Fundraising Coordinator
Mnd Team Rob Bloch

Rob Bloch

Ph: 027 206 9606
Grants Coordinator
Jeanette Photo Cropped Resized

Jeanette Franklyn

Ph: 027 4572762
Communications Specialist
Headshot Ko Web

Katya Old

Ph: 027 325 4367
Research Advisor and Best Practice Advocate
Natalie Gauld Photo Web 2023

Dr Natalie Gauld


Support service staff

MND Support Advisors provide free, personalised support and advocacy for almost every person with motor neurone disease in New Zealand. If you are not sure which support team advisor to contact, or have a general MND support question, please contact the central office.

Support Services Manager
Toni Lightened

Toni Foster

Ph: 021 230 3038
Regional Support Advisor
Sally King

Sally King

Area(s): Northland, North Auckland, Waitemata
Ph: 027 202 8166
Regional Support Advisor

Rachel Woodworth

Area(s): Auckland and Counties Manukau
Ph: 021 036 0218
Regional Support Advisor
Megan Teboekhorst

Megan TeBoekhorst

Area(s): Waikato, Taranaki, Whanganui (North)
Ph: (07) 870 1496 or 029 773 6662
Regional Support Advisor

Jeanette Tioke

Area(s): Bay of Plenty, Lakes, Hawkes Bay, Tairawhiti
Ph: 029 777 5588
Regional Support Advisor
Moira Young

Moira Young

Area(s): Capital & Coast, Hutt, Wairarapa, Mid Central, Whanganui (South)
Ph: (04) 569 2825 or 021 0278 4494
Regional Support Advisor
Jasmine Chua Website Photo

Jasmine Chua

Area(s): South Island
Ph: 029 777 9944