Support & Information
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Support Fund

The Support Fund provides additional support to people living with motor neurone disease (MND), their immediate families, whānau, and carers to maximise their quality of life.

The fund is available to current clients of Motor Neurone Disease NZ, as well as their immediate families, whānau, and carers, who can apply for grants through their support advisor.


The Fulton Hogan MND New Zealand Support Fund (the Support Fund) provides additional support to people living with motor neurone disease (MND), their immediate families, whānau, and carers to maximise their quality of life.

The Support Fund is only made possible by the generosity of the New Zealand community via donations and fundraising activities, and funding is limited.

The Support Fund does not replace any statutory funding or provision available for people with MND, their families, whānau, and carers. It is for cases where these options (i.e. government funding or funding from other supporting agencies) have been explored and have either been exhausted or unforthcoming. The Support Fund also considers applications for interim assistance when government provision cannot be provided in a timely manner.

Fulton Hogan

As Motor Neurone Disease New Zealand’s foundation corporate sponsor, Fulton Hogan have committed to a multi-year partnership for the purpose of providing funding to assist in the provision of home care for people living with MND, their families, whānau, and carers.

This funding will be provided via grants distributed by the Support Fund. Home care includes costs associated with activities or items that improve the quality of life, such as practical support with household tasks, equipment, home modifications, respite and mobility.

Who can apply?

The Support Fund is available to anyone living in New Zealand who is a current client of MND New Zealand, as well as their immediate families, whānau, and carers.

A current client is defined as a person living with MND who has consulted with a member of the MND New Zealand support team, and who has signed an MND Client Consent form.

What grants are available?

The Fulton Hogan MND New Zealand Support fund offers three types of grant:

1. Client support grant

Up to $1500 can be granted to provide additional support to a person living with MND.

It is only for cases where other funding options (i.e. government funding or funding from other supporting agencies) have been explored and have either been exhausted or unforthcoming. Applications for interim support when government provision cannot be provided in a timely manner will also be considered.

If the application is for equipment, treatments, or home modifications, an assessment and recommendation from the appropriate health professional is also required to ensure suitability.

Examples of funding would include contributions to:

  • household tasks and maintenance (e.g. washing windows, mowing lawns, repairs, buying firewood)
  • purchasing or hiring equipment that cannot be sourced via a government provider
  • home adaptations
  • mobility or transport assistance
  • respite care

2. Carer support grant

Up to $750 can be granted to the carer or immediate family/whānau member of a person living with MND, to provide additional support, or to enable the carer or immediate family/whānau member to take a short break or activity away from carer duties (e.g. a holiday or trip, a leisure activity or hobby, or time to rest and recharge).

3. Hardship support grant

In special circumstances, where all other possible sources of funding have been exhausted, consideration will be given to assisting MND families with household bills and provisions. Up to $750 can be granted to a person with MND, their immediate family, whānau, and carers.

How do I apply?

All applications must come through the support team member for your region.

The application process is as follows:

  • Contact your support team member to discuss your request*. Their contact details can be found here .
  • If your request meets the Support Fund criteria, your support team member will provide you with an application form to complete and return to national office by email or post.
  • Depending on the nature of the application, proof of the cost of the goods or services may be needed (e.g. quotes or website screenshots) and the supplier may be contacted for confirmation.
  • If the application is for equipment or home modifications, an assessment and recommendation from an appropriate health professional is also needed to ensure suitability. MND New Zealand will contact the health professional to discuss and confirm their recommendation.
  • Once the completed application form is received at national office, it will be assessed promptly by the MND New Zealand Support Fund Committee.
  • You will be informed of the result within seven working days.
  • If the application is successful, it is preferred that where possible, the payment is made directly to the supplier rather than to the applicant. If the grant is paid to the applicant, proof of purchase is required for all grants over $100.

*If you are unable to contact your MND support team member, please contact the Support Services Manager at the MND New Zealand national office on 09 624 2148 or

How often can I apply?

  • There are no set funding rounds and applications can be made at any time.
  • There is no limit on how frequently clients, their families, whānau, and carers can apply to the Support Fund.
  • However, the maximum total that can be distributed to a client, their families, whānau, and carers in a twelve-month period is $1500 (i.e. a maximum of $1500 per household per year), although this may be increased in cases of serious hardship.

What can’t I apply for?

  • Any item or service that can be provided or funded by a government agency or other supporting agency
  • Funeral costs
  • Overseas travel

MND New Zealand Support Fund Committee

All grant applications are assessed by the MND New Zealand Support Fund Committee (the Committee). The Committee follows a standardised procedure for all applications. The decision of the Committee is final. Funding is limited, and all applications will be assessed based on need and impact.


MND New Zealand’s privacy policy applies to all Support Fund applications and grants. The personal details of all grant applicants will remain confidential unless consent is given via the application form. Only the persons involved in the application process (i.e. the support team member, the MND New Zealand Support Fund Committee, and relevant health professional(s) where appropriate) will have access to applicants’ details.

Contact Us

If you have any further questions regarding the Fulton Hogan MND New Zealand Support Fund, please contact your support team member.