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New MND New Zealand online forum to replace KIWIPALS


11 April 2019

Online forum2

We are excited to launch our new MND New Zealand Forum. The forum is an online community for people living with or affected by MND to share experiences and support one another.

The forum replaces the existing Facebook group KIWIPALS and is be available via our website here Forum.

MND New Zealand Community and Research Advisor Dr Claire Reilly lives with MND and has generously offered her time to moderate the KIWIPALS group since 2014. Claire says, ‘’KIWIPALS was a great first step in providing people with MND and whanau with a place to connect with others in the same situation and provide each other with support. However, I always felt that we weren’t reaching the vast majority of the MND community, and Facebook has quite a few limitations. I wanted a forum where people could benefit from the experiences of others without necessarily having to join.”

The new forum is available for all to view; if people want to join the conversation or comment, they need to create a log-in. The forum has moderators from the MND New Zealand team to ensure safe rules are upheld to create a safe and supportive space for all members.

We ask our MND KIWIPALS community to migrate over to the new platform. The KIWIPALS group will be closed by the end of April 2019.

Please note: The forum is not a substitute for professional advice. You should consult your doctor, or other relevant professional, before making any decisions that could affect you or others. This forum is open to anyone to read so please protect your privacy. We recommend creating a username that’s not your own name and only include information which can be made public.

Remember that sharing your genetic information can have implications for you and your family members’ privacy.

Any questions about the new forum please contact: Claire Reilly email:

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