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Bidois Whānau supporting MND Action Month

Events, Fundraising, Living with MND

13 June 2024

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We first introduced you to Darren Bidois in February, when he shared his story in the lead up to the Masters Games 2024.

Darren’s family have been his biggest support on his journey with MND, and this year have organised an “Icing with a Warm Cuppa” fundraising event as part of MND Action Month. Here, his daughter-in-law Georgia tells us a little more about Darren and what they hope to achieve with their fundraiser.

22 December 2020

Darren’s 58th Birthday, the day everything changed.

4 and a half years ago Daz was diagnosed with Motor Neuron’s Disease, ironically on his birthday. Daz and Leanne sat in the Neurosurgeon’s office to which they were told what his fate would be. Meanwhile myself, Darren’s kids (Kelsie, Matt, Morgan) and all his mokopuna were unaware, waiting at the family home to celebrate his birthday and have dinner together.

When Daz and Lee got home, they had the difficult job of breaking the news of his diagnosis to their children and grandchildren. How do you even begin to explain to your loved ones that your time on earth is going to be cut short and your days will become limited not only with time but also with his quality of life. It was a tough time for everyone.

I wanted to share this picture with you all, this photo was taken a couple of hours after we all found out. Darren on his 58th birthday, sitting with two of his grandsons while we all sang happy birthday on a day that none of us felt happiness. BUT, What I see when I look at this photo is a true reflection and example of Darren’s bravery, strength and positivity. Despite being one of his worse days of his life, he still shows up, he’s still smiling and he’s always got time for his family. A true reflection of some of the amazing characteristics that Dazza has!

Our days are numbered with Daz and each day needs to be treated as a blessing. Life is also getting harder for him. Simple tasks are now almost impossible for him to achieve on his own, thankfully he has the most amazing, selfless carer looking after him (Leanne).

Darren also has the support from MND New Zealand. This incredible charity has been with Daz and his family every step of the way and have given so much support and resources and done what they can to improve his quality of life. MND New Zealand unfortunately gets no funding from the government. To continue their research and for them to be able to continue supporting people like Daz and the extended Bidois whānau, they rely on people like us to fundraise and gather donations to keep the charity going.

We're on a mission to raise awareness and funds for Motor Neurone Disease research, and we need your help! Every dollar makes a difference. Just $20 can fund an hour of research, bringing us closer to finding a cure. Together, we can make a real impact!

Thank you for your generosity and support! Darren and the Bidois whānau are truly so lucky to have you all in our village 💙

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