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COVID-19 Alert Level 3 – what you need to know


23 April 2020


On Tuesday 28th April, New Zealand will wake up to Alert Level 3. If you’re wondering what this means as someone with an increased risk, we’ll step you through the changes and what to expect.

Under Alert Level 3, there will still be significant restrictions on our day-to-day lives. The risk of COVID-19 is reduced but still present.

For most people living with MND and their family or whanau, life will be much the same for the two weeks from 28th April as it is now. It is very important that you try to avoid contracting the infection. Staying at home in your bubble, asking others to pick up supplies for you, practising good hand hygiene, and cough and sneeze etiquette, are all ways to keep yourself safer.

Businesses that can operate in a contactless way, (think drive-through fast food outlets, click and collect and online shopping), will be able to resume trading, so this may make it easier to get things that you need, safely.

Another change at Alert Level 3 is the possibility of extending your bubble slightly to include a caregiver or if you’re living alone, a friend or family member for support. If you're living with MND, we recommend that you and those in your household stay at home, maintaining your current bubble where possible. Limiting personal contact to those who live in the same household or those who are essential to your care is the best way to safeguard against COVID-19.

If you do decide to extend your bubble, we recommend talking with your medical team or support team member to discuss your personal situation first. The people you bring in don’t need to live at the same address but must be local. People who do need to be in close contact with you should also self-isolate as much as possible, following guidance to reduce the risk of bringing infection into your home. Always keep your bubble as exclusive as possible.

We’re expecting the Ministry of Health (MOH) to update their advice for disabled and vulnerable people in the coming days and will share more information as it becomes available. We’ve set up a dedicated COVID-19 section on our website here which we are regularly updating.

If you have any questions or want to talk through what the move to Alert Level 3 means for you and your bubble, remember we’re always here, so please reach out to your support team member for a chat.


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