Support & Information

Support and information

Motor Neurone Disease NZ is a charity built on the ethos of helping people affected by MND – it’s the cornerstone of all that we do. If you or a loved one has MND, we’re here for you.

We provide a range of services across Aotearoa New Zealand to support people with MND, their carers, family, friends and health professionals. These services are provided at no direct cost to the person with MND, and made possible through donations and fundraising.

How we can help you

Support service

Our team of compassionate regional MND support advisors can provide personalised support and advocacy to you, your whānau and those involved in your care.

Support fund

The MND Support Fund provides additional support to people with MND, their immediate families, whānau, and carers to maximise their quality of life.

Information services

We have a range of information and education resources and services available for all those seeking information.

Support for carers

When someone is given a diagnosis of motor neurone disease it impacts on all those around them, particularly their family and friends. Supporting someone with MND can be physically, emotionally and psychologically difficult.

Stay connected

Support groups

Support groups are organised and hosted by wonderful volunteers, and are attended by support advisors when they are able to.

Online communities

Join the Kiwi MND/ALS Facebook group, or another online community and connect with others affected.

Support for rangatahi

Children quickly perceive stressful situations. Being included, opportunities to talk and ask questions, and your continuing love will help them to cope.

Living with MND

The progression of MND is unpredictable, and varies significantly from person to person. Although there is no cure for MND yet, research has shown there are some things you can do to live better for longer with MND.

Read more about the interventions that research has shown to help people live better for longer with MND.

Other information


Riluzole is the only drug funded for the treatment of MND in New Zealand. Most newly diagnosed individuals are eligible.

People involved in your care

With the varied symptoms of MND, it can help to find out about the types of care available and who provides them.

Planning ahead

Having time to think things through and knowing that your wishes and decisions have been recorded gives many people peace of mind.

Last updated:

2 August 2024

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