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Update regarding North Island flooding


1 February 2023

Flooding Image Akl Feb 2023

Post last updated: 2 February 2023, 12:06pm

It’s been a very wet and scary time for so many affected by the huge amount of rain and flooding in Auckland, Northland and surrounding areas.

We hope that our MND community are doing okay – please reach out if you need any support, we are here for you. Your Auckland and Northland MND Support Advisors and their contact details are listed below.

Further information

Whaikaha, the Ministry of Disabled People, has a team working to ensure disabled people and disability providers have access to support during this time. They are continually updating their website with information throughout the state of emergency:

Accessing support & help with equipment

If you are accessing disability support services and need extra support, in first instance contact your provider or your MND Support Advisor who will be able to assist.

If you’ve had to leave required equipment such as wheelchairs behind during evacuations , or equipment has been damaged, please let your MND Support Advisor know and we can follow up with necessary supports.  

Civil Defence Centres

The three current Civil Defence Centres are all accessible. People with assist dogs can take them. Please remember other essential items you may need, such as devices, medicine, warm clothing.

The locations are:

⚠️Massey University Albany Campus, Sir Neil Walters Lecture Theatre, Massey University East Precinct, Albany Expressway SH17. Please enter through Gate 1

⚠️Manu Tukutuku, 32 Riverton Drive, Randwick Park

⚠️St. Leonards Road School, 15 Saint Leonards Road, Kelston

Taikura NASC will have staff at each of the centres.

Using your phone in a power cut

If your landline service is provided over a Fibre or Wireless Landline service, then it may not work in a power cut. This also means some cordless phones and other devices (like medical alarms) may not be able to connect – even if they have a battery. So it’s important to make a 111 Power Cut Plan for all your landlines.

Keep your mobile phone charged
If you have a mobile that works at your place, you should be just fine. Remember to keep it charged and make sure everyone at your place has access to it and knows how to use it if there’s a power cut.

Get a battery back-up
If you don’t have a mobile, you can get a special battery known as a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply). This will keep your Fibre or Wireless connection going if the power goes out for a short time. Remember, if your landline handset plugs into the power, this may also stop working, regardless of whether it’s on Copper, Fibre or Wireless.

Need extra support?
If you, or someone at your place needs extra support to call 111 in a power cut, you can apply to be on the Vulnerable Consumer Register. Read more below.

Spark vulnerable consumer register

If you, or someone in your household, relies on your landline service for medical, safety or disability reasons, you may be able to apply to be listed as a vulnerable consumer.

If you qualify, Spark will provide you with a means to call 111 emergency services in the event of a power cut. This will be provided at no cost.

To read more and apply for the register, visit

Take care

  • Further rainfall is anticipated so please keep an eye on the weather forecast.
  • Please only return to your property if it is safe to do so.
  • Do not drive through floodwaters and remember it could be contaminated. Hazards and debris could also be beneath the surface.

Look after yourselves and your family/whānau and reach out to your MND Support Advisor, who’s details are at the top of this update, if you need assistance.

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