Health professionals

Health professionals

Motor Neurone Disease NZ (MND NZ) employs support advisors to provide a free, specialised support and advisory service throughout New Zealand.  We can help guide health professionals so they can provide the best support and care for people living with MND, their carers, families, and whānau.

Contact an MND advisor

Community-based support advisors are able to guide and support you to provide the best support and care for people with MND.

Best practice management

Developed by MND clinicians, this document represents what specialists in MND care agree should be the standard of care for any New Zealander diagnosed with MND.

Problem solving approach

Problem-solving approach to assist health professionals involved in MND care. Covers aetiology and treatment, dysarthria, pain, dysphagia and more.

'Red flags' tool for GPs

A diagnostic tool highlighting MND ‘red flags’ developed for GPs, helping to speed up time to an accurate diagnosis and reduce inaccurate referrals.

Living better for longer

Read more about the interventions that research has shown to help people live better for longer with MND.

MND Connect

An evidence-based and best practice website developed by MND Australia for health, disability, aged and community care professionals.

Best Practice Recommendations Webinar

Comprehensive, multidisciplinary care is the current gold standard for treating MND. This presentation outlines the principles behind providing the best possible care for people with MND, and explores future avenues for MND treatment This webinar is aimed at Health professionals and members of MDTs who care for patients with MND. Claim your hours, here.

Consultant Neurologist,
Te Whatu Ora – Hawkes Bay Te Matau-a-Maui, MBChB, FRACP

Alan currently works as a Consultant Neurologist in Hawke’s Bay. He is the co-chair of the motor neurone disease (MND) best practice recommendations writing group and is a board member for Motor Neurone Disease NZ. He is actively involved in the clinical care of people living with motor neurone disease and is interested in improving clinical care and access to clinical trials. He is the current Principal investigator of the Lighthouse 2 trial for treatment of MND.

Last updated:

22 August 2024