Help make a difference

At least two people are diagnosed with MND in New Zealand each week. By donating, fundraising, volunteering, and participating in our events, you help make time count for people living with MND, raise awareness, and get us closer to a world free from MND.

Make a donation

We receive little government support, and rely on the generosity of New Zealanders to fund vital support and research.

Fundraise for MND

Our work is powered by thousands of fundraisers like you. Every dollar raised will help change lives today.

Donate in memory

Set up a memorial or tribute page online in the name of your loved one.

Corporate support

Whatever the size of your company, there are many different ways in which you can support us.

Leave a gift in your Will

If you’re thinking about creating or updating your Will, please consider leaving a gift to support our life changing work.


Whether it's organising a Walk to Defeat MND event, doing a talk, or placing collection tins in local businesses, your donated time makes a difference.

Share your story

We invite you to help raise awareness about MND and its impact on New Zealanders by sharing your story when the time feels right.

Your story could help us write more powerful funding applications, help us advocate for the rights of people living with MND, help us raise public awareness of MND, and help other people with MND and carers to know they are not alone in their experiences.


We campaign to fix a broken system and to secure lasting change. With your support we’ve achieved incredible things, but people with motor neurone disease (MND) still face big challenges.

Walk to Defeat MND

Events provide an opportunity for people to come together, raise awareness, honour those living with MND, and commemorate loved ones lost to the disease.

MND Action Month

June is international MND month. Take action with us - host a Cuppa Tea for MND or take on the Ice Bucket Challenge.

Trek Kilimanjaro for MND

Embark on an unforgettable journey while making a difference for people affected by motor neurone disease. Your adventure begins March 2025.

More information

For more information about supporting Motor Neurone Disease NZ, contact our fundraising manager, Laura Huet, via email or phone (09) 624 2148.

Last updated:

7 August 2024