About MND

Introduction to MND

MND stands for motor neurone disease. Motor neurones are the nerves that control our body movement.

With MND, something goes wrong with the motor neurones, and the messages from the brain can’t get through. This means the muscles that help us to move, speak, breathe and swallow stop working normally.

As the nerve cells slowly stop working, muscles gradually weaken and waste.

MND is a progressive and life-limiting condition, meaning it will get worse over time. There are different types of MND and so each person will experience their own speed and pattern of muscle weakness. There is no cure for MND yet, but there are treatments and supports that improve quality of life and may help people to live longer.

Signs and symptoms

Get familiar with the common signs and symptoms of motor neurone disease.


Understanding the diagnostic process for motor neurone disease.

Following your diagnosis

A diagnosis of MND can feel overwhelming. When you're ready, here's Information on what to do next.

Access our support services

Motor Neurone Disease NZ is the only charity focused on improving quality of life, funding research and campaigning for people affected by MND in NZ.

Our team of compassionate regional support advisors provide personalised support and advocacy to people with MND and their whānau across New Zealand. This service is provided free of charge, and made possible through donations.

Access to the most accurate information is pivotal.

Motor Neurone Disease NZ has a range of information and education packs available for all those seeking information.

If you have recently been diagnosed with MND and register with Motor Neurone Disease NZ, you will receive an information pack and service guide upon registering.

Last updated:

2 August 2024

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