Support & Information

Children and young people

Children quickly perceive and react to stressful situations - you cannot hide bad news from them.  However, they recognise and appreciate honesty, and can deal with situations when they have basic factual information and straight answers to their questions.

They will need help in accepting the changes and difficulties that having a family member with MND will bring.  Being included, opportunities to talk and ask questions, and your continuing love will help them to cope.

So long as it doesn’t interfere too much with their normal activities, it is important to allow children and teenagers to help with the care of a close family member with MND.

Skylight is a national not-for-profit trust that helps children, young people, their family/whanau and friends navigate through times of trauma, loss and grief. For a donation, they will post an information support and resources pack, tailored to your specific situation, anywhere in New Zealand. The resources provided by Skylight are excellent.

Be mindful that young people are internet savvy and could find information online that may be scary and inaccurate. It is best to get factual and reliable information directly from family.

Resources to help
Last updated:

23 August 2024