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Update on recent Riluzole prescribing changes

Advocacy, Clinical News

27 October 2023

Medication For Motor Neurone Disease

Motor Neurone Disease NZ has been made aware of a change Medsafe has recently made to the prescribing regime for Riluzole (Rilutek).

Riluzole can slow the progression for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and progressive bulbar palsy (PBP) – the most common types of MND.

Our understanding is that the changes mean GPs no longer can prescribe repeats, and instead this will need to be done by a specialist, such as neurologist or respiratory physician.

This adds yet an additional layer of complexity amongst all the other things a person with MND and their carer must manage. The changes have been brought on without any consultation, indicating there may be an error.

A request for information has been made with Medsafe, and we’ll be advocating on behalf of the MND community to ensure Riluzole repeats can continue to be prescribed by GPs.

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