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Participants needed to help with Blood Brain Barrier Study


16 September 2019


Research is a vital key that will one day help to unlock a cure for MND. The Centre for Brain Research at Auckland University is currently looking for volunteers to help with a study into the function of the blood-brain barrier in Motor neurone disease, specifically, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

Led by Dr Emma Scotter and Dr Catherine Morgan, the study is calling for 20 volunteers with ALS, and also for 20 people without it.

The time commitment required is a one off, two to three hour appointment where an MRI will be performed. All participants will receive a $25 Countdown gift card, and a copy of their MRI results to take home.

Volunteers with ALS need to have been diagnosed with the condition in the last 2 years. Volunteers without ALS need to be in good health and aged between 45 to 65.

If you're keen to help with this important research, email Chitra on:

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