Fundraise online
One of the easiest, most efficient and effective ways to spread the word about your fundraising, and gather donations, is online.
Create your own online fundraising page
Create your own online fundraising page in just minutes, get sponsored to take on a challenge, or hold an event. You can build and customise your online fundraising page and share the link with friends, family, and work colleagues to raise some vital cash.
Every donation is recorded on your fundraising page, along with a message from your donors. Create your own online fundraising page today!
Here are some fun ideas of how you could fundraise:
Home activities

Show off your skills online
Could you broadcast an online tutorial of just how you make that delicious chocolate fudge cake? Or perform a song with your guitar or other instrument? Ask those you know to donate a “ticket” price via your online fundraising page in order to view the video, or post a live feed on social media asking for people who watch to donate.
Sports day
Stick with the traditional three-legged race or egg and spoon race, or invent new challenges. Largest amount of dried pasta thrown in a saucepan across the room, office chair race around obstacles, football keep-ups. The possibilities are endless. Ask people to donate in support of your efforts via your online fundraising page.
Sporty suggestions

Half-marathon Challenge
Log the distance you are walking or running on a mobile app. Try to cover 21 kilometres over the course of a week and ask people to sponsor you via your online fundraising page. Share photos of your adventures.
Push up Challenge
Create an online fundraising page, set a date to complete your challenge and ask for sponsorship. Aim to complete a set amount of push ups.
At work

Fancy dress
Zoom, Skype, and Microsoft Team meetings are becoming business as usual for many of us. Why not add an element of fun and designate a meeting as a fancy-dress event? Get each of your colleagues to donate and share the online fundraising page with friends and family, with a promise to share a screenshot photo of the meeting upon reaching a fundraising target.
Other challenges

Grow or shave a beard
A twist on the classic head shave fundraising idea! Create an online fundraising page and a target amount you want to raise. Once that amount is hit, it’s time for the facial hair to go! Take before and after photos or video the shave to share with those who sponsored you.
Let us know your fundraising plans
Complete this form to let us know your plans and receive support with your fundraising from our friendly team.
There are some guidelines we ask you to follow when fundraising in support of MND New Zealand. Download our Fundraising Guidelines below.
More information
To talk to MND New Zealand about fundraising, please email our Fundraising and Events Coordinator at or phone (09) 624 2148.