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Leave a gift in your Will

Making your Will is a lasting, positive statement about what matters to you.

By remembering Motor Neurone Disease New Zealand in your Will, you will bring hope to those living with motor neurone disease, enabling us to continue our vital work. It’s simple to do, and any gift, big or small, will make a difference.

Leaving a gift in your Will will help us to:

  • Provide the best possible care and support to those who are living with MND in the years to come, as well as to their families/whānau;
  • Advocate for, educate, and provide up-to-date information for people with MND, their families/whānau, as well as the health professionals working with them;
  • Fund and/or support vital MND research, now and well into the future.

How can I leave a gift in my Will to Motor Neurone Disease NZ?

We strongly advise that you discuss your plans with your family and loved ones first, so they understand your wishes.

If you already have a Will, you can make a simple modification by adding a codicil (a supplement that is intended to alter or modify a Will). To make sure that your codicil is correctly worded and legally binding, we recommend it is done through your solicitor/legal advisor. If you do not yet have a Will, we urge you to have one prepared as soon as possible by your solicitor/legal advisor, and advise them of your wish to leave a gift to MND New Zealand.

What types of gift can I leave?

  • A percentage share of your estate. After you have provided for your loved ones, you can leave a percentage of what remains to MND New Zealand.
  • A residuary gift. You can give what is left in your estate to MND New Zealand after all estate debts and expenses are met and your family has been looked after.
  • A cash gift. You can leave an exact sum of money to us. This is also known as a pecuniary gift.
  • A specific gift. This could be any asset, such as property, a piece of art, or antique jewellery.

What wording should I use to include Motor Neurone Disease NZ in my Will?

I give to The Motor Neurone Disease New Zealand Charitable Trust the sum of $XXX / percentage of my estate / residue of my estate / description of property or assets for its general purposes, and I declare that the official receipt of an authorised officer of the organisation shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my trustees.

If you wish your bequest to fund a specific purpose, please discuss this with MND New Zealand prior to making/amending your Will, as it is important to ensure there will be no difficulty in using your bequest for that purpose. Giving us permission to use your bequest “for general purposes” will ensure we are able to meet the most pressing needs that arise in the future.

More information

For more information about leaving a gift in your Will to Motor Neurone Disease New Zealand, contact our Marketing and Fundraising Manager, Laura Huet, at or phone (09) 624 2148.