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We need your help

Motor Neurone Disease New Zealand is a registered charity (CC60169) established in 1985 by a group of volunteers with experience of caring for someone with MND. Today, we are the only charity in New Zealand dedicated to providing support, advocacy, and funding towards research. 

Here are some ways you can support us

Make a donation to Motor Neurone Disease NZ

We rely almost entirely on the generosity of the New Zealand community to continue to provide free, personalised support to people living with MND and their loved ones, and fund research for effective therapies, and ultimately, a cure.

Wheelchair Control

Impact on repeat: sign up to donate monthly

Your regular gift can be as little as $5 a month, or as much as you like, but over time, every contribution adds up to something amazing. MND is relentless and ongoing, and your monthly gift means we can be there for every person.

Thank You For Showing Me That You Care

Leave a gift in your Will and give hope for the future

We never take the incredible generosity of our supporters for granted. If you decide to leave a gift in your Will, your legacy can help make time count for those still to be diagnosed and fund research for a future free from MND.

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Donate or raise funds in memory of a loved one

Friends and family often find they gain strength, comfort and hope from knowing that their loved one’s memory and values live on through their tribute. Make a donation in someone's name, or set up a tribute page and raise funds.

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