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MND Community Survey 2018 – now closed.

MND NZ, Research

20 August 2018

MND Community Survey 2018

We invite you to complete our MND Community Survey.

This is our biggest ever survey, and your response is crucial to the future strategy and direction of MND New Zealand.

We would really appreciate your input. Today we invite you to complete our MND Community Survey. Our service will be shaped by your input today.

This is our biggest ever survey, and your response is crucial to the future strategy and direction of MND New Zealand. We would really appreciate your input.


Please complete only one of the following 5 surveys. Choose the survey that best represents your situation.


1.       I have MND 


2.       I currently provide care or support to someone with MND

Family and Carer Survey link


3.       I have previously cared for someone with MND


4.       I am a health care professional who has patients with MND


5.       I have donated, volunteered or attended an event for MND

Supporter Survey link


Please complete your survey by 10 September 2018. Surveys 1, 2 and 3 will take about 20 minutes to complete, depending on how much feedback you have. Surveys 4 and 5 are much shorter. You can close the survey and later return to finish it.

The independent research company we have commissioned to do this work (Point Research) will analyse everyone’s feedback and prepare a report about the survey. Point Research might quote your words in their report but you will remain anonymous.

MND New Zealand will make the report available on our website. We may share the research findings with other health service providers and funding agencies to improve services for people with MND. Your feedback will always remain 100% anonymous.

We would greatly appreciate you completing the survey by Monday 10 September 2018, to help us provide the best possible services and support to people with MND and their families.


With thanks and best wishes,

Carl Sunderland
General Manager
MND New Zealand

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